
On October 9, 2012, Malala was riding her school bus home from school, when a masked gunman came into the bus and shot her.

Malala had already been known for giving speeches in her town about children's rights and women's rights to go to school. She had received a death threat from the Taliban and still fought for what she rightfully had.

At age 17 she became the youngest to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for her work fighting for her cause and not stopping when faced with opposition.


Before winning the Nobel Peace Prize and winning 2005, and 2011 Liberian presidential election, AND becoming the first woman president democratically voted in Africa, she studied economics and public policy at Harvard University. Liberia had fought through civil wars, and military dictatorships for about 26 years where in more than 250,000 Liberians died. In 1985 she was actually imprisoned and charged with treason for making a speech in Philadelphia to Liberian-Americans and criticizing the economic policy. She was supposed to serve 10 years, but the U.S put pressure on their government enough that they let Johnson and other political prisoners free.

A civil war had started to oppose the Doe regime. In 1990, Doe was executed by opposition forces, and his place was taken by yet another disappointment... Charles Taylor. He was later sent into exile and charged for all his misdoings.

Then in 2005, Ellen Johnson won the election by more than 60% of votes. She promised to fight corruption, promote economic development, restore electricity to their capital city, and restore school's for their children to attend.

In 2011, she recieved the Nobel Peace Prize for and I quote:


She was the first woman in the history of Iranian judges to serve as a judge. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003